Canadell Oak Bung Insert

Medium +
Fire Toasted Medium
Fire Toasted Medium +


High quality oak for fermentation and aging of premium and super premium 
wines. Fire Toasted Bung Inserts are made from a selection of oak chosen from 
the most famous forests of France. The oak is naturally air dried at Canadell 
stave mills in Trie Sur Baïse (South West of France) and Ully-Saint-Georges 
(North Paris region). Each has optimal climatic conditions for perfect stave 
seasoning and maturation, for a minimum of 24 months, to obtain the ideal 
balance of aromas and structure. The staves are fire toasted through a traditional 
cooperage fire toasting regimen fueled only by oak pieces. Bung Inserts provide 
a practical solution for premium and super-premium wines where faster 
extraction and earlier integration are desired. 

Fire Toasted Bung Inserts are a cost-effective and practical way to 
extend the life of a barrel. Similar to fire toasted barrels, Fire 
Toasted Bung Inserts play a supportive role to the fruit. They 
contribute additional characteristics to the final blend of any 
program and allow greater flexibility and versatility to any winery 
producing multiple tiers of wine and market-driven wines that 
require a shorter extraction time and aging period with a demand for 
consistent high-quality oak contribution.

The traditional fire toasting provides intense flames 
which can create cosmetic defaults on the oak. The 
fire toasting brings more complexity to the wine and 
a complete and powerful roundness in the mouth 
feel. Fire Toasted Bung Inserts work best on 
medium-full bodied whites and light-full bodied reds 
that benefit from accelerated oak aging and 

Dimensions: 3x8 pieces of 
oak measuring 25 cm x 
2.5 cm x 0.7 cm (3.5ft2)
Sold individually
Oak chain with food-grade 
mesh netting inserted 
through the bung