Quertannin Plus

Carboy - 4g
Barrel - 34g

QUERTANIN® PLUS is a preparation of ellagic tannins used in aging, which acts on the tannic structure and contributes to balance in wines.

• Regulates redox phenomena during barrel aging or micro-oxygenation.

• Recreates an environment rich in ellagic tannins in used barrels, identical to that found in new oak.

• Facilitates clarification.


It is specified in the Oenological Codex that tannins “must not change the olfactory properties and the colour of wine”. The dosage rates will therefore vary in function of the wine matrix, and shall be determined after trials.

• Preservation of aromatic freshness in white and rosé wines: 2 - 5 g/hL (20 - 50 ppm).

• Ageing of red wines: 5 - 10 g/hL (50 - 100 ppm).

USA Regulation 27 CFR 24.246 Specific TTB Limitation

The residual amount of tannin, calculated in GAE, must not exceed 6.4 GAE per 1000 gallons of wine (800 mg/L) in white wine and 24 pounds per 1000 gallons (3 g/L) in red wine.

Total tannin must not be increased by more than 150 ppm (150 mg/L; 0.150 g/L) by the addition of tannic acid (poly-galloylglucose).