Super Bouquet


– Inactive yeast that improves the structure of the wine, increasing its polysaccharide and mannoprotein content.
– It contributes to the sensory characteristics of the wine, polishing aggressive tannins, reducing astringency and increasing the sensations of body and volume in the mouth.
– Increases the persistence and stability of aromas.

– Improves color stability.

– Improves tartaric and protein stability.

– Used in fermentation, it is an excellent nutrient.



For white and red wines:

– Alcoholic and malolactic fermentation: increased volume in the mouth. In reds, it improves the stability of the coloring matter and provides tannic smoothness.

– Aging on lees: increases the transfer of polysaccharides during this process, both in tanks and barrels, increasing the efficiency of stirring or battonage.

– Finished wine: structure and body. For sparkling wines:

– Second fermentation: increases the volume of the lees, increasing the sensation of volume in the mouth and the persistence of the foam.


Fermentation: 10-30 g/hl

Aging on lees and finished wine: 20-40 g/hl

Sparkling wine: 10-30 g/h